IABR Organisation

The Organisation

During the 10th anniversary conference in Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna in October 2015, the IABR board of directors held a meeting to fill the vacancy of chairperson after the sudden and untimely death in January 2015 of the founding chairman, Anton Amann. The future of IABR was discussed, both in person and in subsequent email exchanges and video meetings, and an organizational structure was established to manage and steer the association.

The current (2023-2025 term) board is as follows:


Jane Hill (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Simona Cristescu (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)

Past Chair:
Cristina Davis (University of California, Davis)

Previous Chairs:
Wolfram Miekisch (2019-2021)
Marieann Högman (2017-2019)
Terence Risby (2015-2017)

Founding Chair:
Anton Amann† (2005-2015)

Heather Bean

Jonathan Beauchamp

Executive Director:
Marco Freek

Conference Chairs

Michael Davis (Indianapolis, 2024)

Future Chair:
Chris Mayhew & Veronika Ruzsányi (Innsbruck, 2025)

Past Chair:
Fabio Di Francesco (Pisa, 2022)

Anton Amann Award

The Polish Chemical Society, Boguslaw Buszewski & Marco Freek

Laureate 2022:
Jochen Schubert (Rostock, Germany)

Laureate 2019:
Terence Risby (Baltimore, MD, USA)

Laureate 2018:
Jane Hill (Hanover, NH, USA)

Laureate 2016:
Lars E Gustafsson† (Stockholm, Sweden)
Pawel Mochalski (Dornbirn, Austria)

Laureate 2015:
Julian King (Dornbirn, Austria)

Interest groups and chairs


Jonathan Beauchamp
Wolfram Miekisch

In Vitro metabolome:

Jane Hill

Clinical Applications of Breath Testing:

Raed Dweik

Perioperative and Critical Care:

Lieuwe Bos


Cristina Davis

EBC and EBA:

Michael Davis

IABR Membership

Become a member of the International Association of Breath Research and help to support the association. Members in good-standing will be eligible for a reduced registration fee for the official IABR Breath Summit conferences.